Welcome to the Delphi Zip v1.90 This is the Delphi Edition for version 4 and later only June 22, 2010 Major Changes Delphi versions supported not before 4 Directory Structure ZipMaster files Delphi - design- and run-time page files Demos - Demos and SortGrid Dll - dll DLL\Source - Source code for dll (Available separately Docs - where this file resides Help - help files Res - resource files for connecting to the application or SFX Res\Lang - Language files Tools - updaters for language resource strings Configuration In Source/ZipConfig19.inc { $DEFINE USE_COMPRESSED_STRINGS} // define to use compressed strings instead of 'ResourceString's. { $DEFINE STATIC_LOAD_DELZIP_DLL} // define to statically bind the dll The required Delphi source files (files marked with '+' are written by ZipResMaker.exe) ...\ ZipMstr19.pas - main component source ZipMstr19.res - components version resource ZipVers19.inc - required defines for Delphi versions (only 4..10 supported) ZipConfig19.inc - sets compile options ZMCenDir19.pas - allows external connections to the internal central entries ZMCompat19.pas - support for older compilers ZMCtx19.pas - Dialog box help context values ZMCore19.pas - basic support functions and event triggering + ZMDefMsgs19.pas - default message strings and tables ZMDelZip19.pas - dll interface definitions ZMDlg19.pas - dialog box support ZMDllLoad19.pas - dynamically loads and binds the dll ZMDllOpr19.pas - operations that require the dll ZMDrv19.pas - Handles drive level parameters and methods ZMEOC19.pas - represents and finds, reads, writes the zip end of central structures ZMExtrLZ7719.pas - extractor for LZ77 compressed streams (used to extract stored dll) ZMHash19.pas - hash table functions ZMIRec19.pas - representation and functions on zip central entries ZMMatch19.pas - wildcard file spec matching + ZMMsg19.pas - message values ZMMsgStr19.pas - handles message string storage and language selection ZMSFXInt19.pas - SFX stub interface structures and definitions ZMStructs19.pas - definition of internal zip structures ZMUTF819.pas - functions for handling UTF8 ZMUtils19.pas - some functions to make life easier ZMWAux19.pas - support for sfx and multi-part zip files ZMWorkFile19.pas - primitive support for zip file ZMWrkr19.pas - does the work not requiring the dll ZMWUtils19.pas - wide file handling support ZMXcpt19.pas - EZipMaster definitions ZMZipFile19.pas - handles read and writing a zip file ZipFix.pas - (optional) component to repair damaged zip files ZipFix.res - ZipFix.hlp - ...\RES\ + ZMRes19_str.rc - resource script for compressed languages and dll + ZMRes19_str.res - compiled resource for applications using ZipMaster (link to application) ZMRes19_sfx.rc - resource script for including sfx stub ZMRes19_sfx.res - compiled resource for including sfx stub (link to application) ZMRes19_dll.rc - resource script for including compressed dll ZMRes19_dll.res - compiled resource for including compressed dll (link to application)(optional) ZMSFX.bin - Ansi sfx stub ZMSFXU.bin - Unicode sfx stub (requires XP or later) ...\Delphi\ ZMstr190D?.bpk - design and run-time package (? is compiler version) ...\DLL\ DelZip190.dll - required dll ...\DOCS\ licence.txt - a copy of the licence ReadMe.txt Install.txt Debug.txt ...\LANGS\ ZipMsg.h - master message identifier header file ZipMsgUS.rc - master message script ZipMsg??.rc - resource language script files ZipMsg??.res - compiled language resource file SFX??.txt - language files for sfx ...\HELP\ ZipMaster.hlp - compiled help file (Delphi 7) ZipMaster.chm - compile html file dzsfx.chm - SFX help file ...\HELP\SOURCE\ - source files for help ...\DEMOS\DEMO1\ - zip adder/extractor ...\DEMOS\DEMO2\ - quick add/extract and dll test ...\DEMOS\DEMO3\ - another add/extract example ...\DEMOS\DEMO4\ - simple self installer ...\DEMOS\DEMO5\ - make exe file (sfx) ...\DEMOS\DEMO6\ - span multiple disks ...\DEMOS\DEMO7\ - extract from stream ...\DEMOS\DEMO9\ - use in thread ...\DEMOS\SortGrid\ - (optional) sort grid component (used in some Demos) SortGrid.pas - SortGrid.res - SortGrid.dcr - SortGridreg.pas - SortGridPreview.pas - SortGridPreview.dfm - Licenses This component is subject to the "GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999" as explained in full in the Help file and in licence.txt. DLL Source Code in C The DLL source code is distributed separately due to it's size, and the fact that most Delphi users of this package probably don't want the C source for the DLL's. The DLL source is also freeware, and will remain that way. The DLL source code needs Borland C++ Builder v5 - v6. Problem Reports or Suggestions We DO want to hear your ideas! If you find a problem with any part of this project, or if you just have an idea for us to consider, send us e-mail! But, please make sure that your bug has not already been reported. Check the "official" web site often: Latest Versions and changes available at http://www.delphizip.org/index.html Problems please report any to problems@delphizip.org Amended and updated by R.Peters