getType() == ICON_TYPE_CLASS) && (!$this->isAbstract())) return 0; // class else if (($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_CLASS) && ( $this->isAbstract())) return 1; // abstract class else if (($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_INTERFACE) ) return 2; // interface else if (($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_TRAIT) ) return 3; // trait else if (($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_CONST) && ($this->isPrivate()) ) return 4; // private const else if (($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_VAR) && ($this->isPrivate()) ) return 5; // private var else if (($this->isMethod()) && ($this->isPrivate()) && (!$this->isAbstract())) return 6; // private function else if (($this->isMethod()) && ($this->isPrivate()) && ( $this->isAbstract())) return 7; // private abstract function else if (($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_CONST) && ($this->isProtected()) ) return 8; // protected const else if (($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_VAR) && ($this->isProtected()) ) return 9; // protected var else if (($this->isMethod()) && ($this->isProtected()) && (!$this->isAbstract())) return 10; // protected function else if (($this->isMethod()) && ($this->isProtected()) && ( $this->isAbstract())) return 11; // protected abstract function else if (($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_CONST) && ($this->isPublic()) ) return 12; // public const else if (($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_VAR) && ($this->isPublic()) ) return 13; // public var else if (($this->isMethod()) && ($this->isPublic()) && (!$this->isAbstract())) return 14; // public function else if (($this->isMethod()) && ($this->isPublic()) && ( $this->isAbstract())) return 15; // public abstract function else if (($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_TODO) ) return 16; // To-Do comment else return -1; } public function isMethod() { return (($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_FUNCTION) || ($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR) || ($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_DESTRUCTOR) || ($this->getType() == ICON_TYPE_MAGICMETHOD)); } } class MyFastPHPCodeExplorer { public function handle($code) { // Quick'n'Dirty fix to correctly parse the line // test(XYZ::class) $code = str_replace('::class', '', $code); // Quick'n'Dirty fix to correctly parse the line // $verify=file_get_contents("{$secret}&response={$response}"); $code = str_replace('{$', '{', $code); // Quick'n'Dirty fix to correctly parse the line // $handler = function(MqttClient $client, string $topic, string $message, int $qualityOfService, bool $retained) use (&$msg_count) {}; $code = preg_replace('@function\s*\\(@is', '(', $code); $token = token_get_all($code); $wait_function = false; $wait_const = false; $wait_class = false; $wait_trait = false; $icon = new MyFastPHPIcon(); $wait_interface = false; $wait_abstract_func_list_end = false; $levelAry = array(); $dep = 0; $insideFuncAry = array(); if (!$token) { $icon->setType(ICON_TYPE_ERROR); FastPHPWriter::outputLeafNode($icon, 0, 'SYNTAX ERROR'); } foreach ($token as $data) { if ($data == '{') $dep++; if ($data == '}') { $dep--; if ((count($levelAry) > 0) && (self::array_peek($levelAry) == $dep)) { array_pop($levelAry); FastPHPWriter::outputDecreaseLevel(); } if ((count($insideFuncAry) > 0) && (self::array_peek($insideFuncAry) == $dep)) { array_pop($insideFuncAry); } } $token = (!is_array($data)) ? null : $data[0]; $value = (!is_array($data)) ? null : $data[1]; $line = (!is_array($data)) ? null : $data[2]; if ($value == '${') $dep++; // TODO: "${...}" ??? "{$...}" ??? if ($wait_function && ($data == '{')) { $wait_function = false; // Anonymous functions do not have a name } if ($wait_function && ($token == T_STRING)) { $wait_function = false; if ($icon->isAbstract()) { $desc = "abstract function $value()"; $wait_abstract_func_list_end = true; } else { $desc = "function $value()"; $insideFuncAry[] = $dep; } if ($value == '__construct') { // TODO: auch eine methode mit dem namen der klasse soll eine konstruktor sein $icon->setType(ICON_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR); } else if ($value == '__destruct') { $icon->setType(ICON_TYPE_DESTRUCTOR); } else if (substr($value, 0, 2) == '__') { $icon->setType(ICON_TYPE_MAGICMETHOD); } else { $icon->setType(ICON_TYPE_FUNCTION); } FastPHPWriter::outputLeafNode($icon, $line, $desc); $icon->reset(); } if ($wait_class && ($token == T_STRING)) { if ($icon->isAbstract()) { $desc = "Abstract Class $value\n"; } else { $desc = "Class $value\n"; } $wait_class = false; $levelAry[] = $dep; $icon->setType(ICON_TYPE_CLASS); FastPHPWriter::outputLeafNode($icon, $line, $desc); $icon->reset(); FastPHPWriter::outputIncreaseLevel(); } if ($wait_trait && ($token == T_STRING)) { $desc = "Trait $value\n"; $wait_trait = false; $levelAry[] = $dep; $icon->setType(ICON_TYPE_TRAIT); FastPHPWriter::outputLeafNode($icon, $line, $desc); $icon->reset(); FastPHPWriter::outputIncreaseLevel(); } if ($wait_interface && ($token == T_STRING)) { $desc = "Interface $value\n"; $wait_interface = false; $levelAry[] = $dep; $icon->setType(ICON_TYPE_INTERFACE); FastPHPWriter::outputLeafNode($icon, $line, $desc); $icon->reset(); FastPHPWriter::outputIncreaseLevel(); } if ($wait_const && ($token == T_STRING)) { $desc = "const $value\n"; $wait_const = false; $icon->setType(ICON_TYPE_CONST); FastPHPWriter::outputLeafNode($icon, $line, $desc); $icon->reset(); } if ((!$wait_abstract_func_list_end) && (count($levelAry) > 0) && (count($insideFuncAry) == 0) && ($token == T_VARIABLE)) { $desc = "$value\n"; $icon->setType(ICON_TYPE_VAR); FastPHPWriter::outputLeafNode($icon, $line, $desc); $icon->reset(); } if ($token == T_PRIVATE) $icon->setPrivate(); if ($token == T_PROTECTED) $icon->setProtected(); if ($token == T_PUBLIC) $icon->setPublic(); if ($token == T_ABSTRACT) $icon->setAbstract(); if ($token == T_FINAL) $icon->setFinal(); if ($token == T_STATIC) $icon->setStatic(); if (($data == ';') || ($data == '{') || ($data == '}')) { $wait_abstract_func_list_end = false; $icon->reset(); } if ($token == T_FUNCTION) { $wait_function = true; } if ($token == T_CLASS) { $wait_class = true; $dep = 0; } if ($token == T_INTERFACE) { $wait_interface = true; $dep = 0; } if ($token == T_TRAIT) { $wait_trait = true; $dep = 0; } if ($token == T_CONST) { $wait_const = true; } if (($token == T_COMMENT) && self::isToDoDescription($value)) { $comment_lines = explode("\n", trim($value)); foreach ($comment_lines as $line_no => $comment_line) { if (self::isToDoDescription($comment_line)) { // Because a To-Do-entry can stand everywhere (e.g. between a "private" and a "function" keyword) // we shall not alter the $icon instance $todoIcon = clone $icon; $todoIcon->setType(ICON_TYPE_TODO); FastPHPWriter::outputLeafNode($todoIcon, $line+$line_no, self::stripComment($comment_line)); unset($todoIcon); } } } } } private static function isToDoDescription($comment) { return ((stripos($comment, 'TODO') !== false) || (stripos($comment, 'BUGBUG') !== false) || (stripos($comment, 'FIXME') !== false) || (stripos($comment, 'XXX') !== false)); } private static function stripComment($x) { $x = trim($x); if (substr($x, 0, 1) == '#') return trim(substr($x, 1)); if (substr($x, 0, 2) == '//') return trim(substr($x, 2)); if (substr($x, 0, 2) == '/*') return trim(substr($x, 2, strlen($x)-4)); return $x; } private static /*final*/ function array_peek($array) { if (!isset($array[count($array)-1])) return null; return $array[count($array)-1]; } } $parser = new MyFastPHPCodeExplorer(); while (true) { try { $code = FastPHPReader::readCodeFromEditor(); } catch (FastPHPExitSignalReceivedException $e) { die(); } FastPHPWriter::outputHeader(); $parser->handle($code); FastPHPWriter::outputExit(); FastPHPWriter::signalOutputEnd(); sleep(1); }