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<< Vorheriger EintragBUG#0000206Nächster Eintrag >>
Bugreport: Wrong normalization function for IPv6
Text / Beschreibung:

On fresh installed OIDplus svn-187, trying to add valid IPv6 (including the on from demo) fail with "Error: Invalid IPv6".
Actually, ipv4_normalize is used in OIDplusIpv6.class.php on line 81 instead of ipv6_normalize.

Insgesamt 1 Antwort(en) vorhanden.
Thank you very much for your bug report and your analysis!
I have fixed the bug in Rev 188

Please note that there was also another bug: If the normalization of IPv4/IPv6 failed, an invalid object with id 'ipv4:' or 'ipv6:' was created in the database, which causes and endless loop. (Needs to be removed in the database, if it was accidentally created)

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thinkBug v0.16 beta - Build 2024-01-30