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This patch disables following informations from PHP iCalender publicly:
- event_text
- description
- url
- location
- don't allow that the ICS gets downloaded

This patch was tested with the latest version PHP iCalendar 2.4 RC7 (2010-06-15).
PHP iCalender can be downloaded here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpicalendar/


function openevent()
                global $cpath, $timeFormat, $dateFormat_week;
                global $cpath, $timeFormat, $dateFormat_week;

                // To filter the event text
                $arr['event_text'] = 'BUSY';

                // To filter the description (seen in the hover box)
                $arr['description'] = 'Information not available';

                // To censor the location
                $arr['location'] = 'Information not available';

                // To filter event's URL (if set) which is seen in the popup window.
                $arr['url'] = '';


function draw_subscribe()
                if ($cal != $phpiCal_config->ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED && $subscribe_path != '' && $download_filename != '') {
                $subscribe_path = '';
                $download_filename = '';
                if ($cal != $phpiCal_config->ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED && $subscribe_path != '' && $download_filename != '') {

function draw_month()
                $location = '<br /><span style="font-size: 95%">' . sanitizeForWeb(stripslashes(urldecode($val['location']))) . '</span>';
                $val['location'] = 'Unknown';
                $location = '<br /><span style="font-size: 95%">' . sanitizeForWeb(stripslashes(urldecode($val['location']))) . '</span>';

function draw_print()
                $replace        = array($event_start, $event_text, $description, $location);
                $event_text = 'BUSY';
                $description = 'No information available.';
                $location = 'Unknown';
                $replace        = array($event_start, $event_text, $description, $location);

function draw_search()
                $replace        = array($event_start, $event_text, $description, $location);
                $event_text = 'BUSY';
                $description = 'No information available.';
                $location = 'Unknown';
                $replace        = array($event_start, $event_text, $description, $location);
                $except_tmp = str_replace('{EVENT_TEXT}', $except_event_text, $except_tmp);
                $except_event_text = 'Not busy';
                $except_tmp = str_replace('{EVENT_TEXT}', $except_event_text, $except_tmp);
                $except_tmp = str_replace('{EXCEPT_DESCRIPTION}', $except_description, $except_tmp);
                $except_description = 'No information available';
                $except_tmp = str_replace('{EXCEPT_DESCRIPTION}', $except_description, $except_tmp);

function monthbottom()
                if ($switch['EVENT_TEXT'] != '') {
                $switch['EVENT_TEXT'] = 'BUSY';
                $switch['DESCRIPTION'] = 'No information available';
                if ($switch['EVENT_TEXT'] != '') {

rss/rss.php, rss/rss1.0.php, rss/rss2.0.php

function rss_item()
                if (isset($val['location']) && $val['location'] !=''){
                if (isset($val['location']) && $val['location'] !=''){
                $val['location'] = 'Unknown';


                $event_text     = stripslashes(urldecode($val["event_text"]));
                $event_text     = stripslashes(urldecode($val["event_text"]));
                $event_text = 'BUSY';
                $val["event_text"] = $event_text;
                $description    = stripslashes(urldecode($val["description"]));
                $description    = stripslashes(urldecode($val["description"]));
                $description = 'No information available';
                $val["description"] = $description;


function error()
                $error_calendar         = sprintf($lang['l_error_calendar'], print_r($file,true));
                $file = '(URL hidden)';
                # Failed to copy file - The calendar "..." was being processed when this error occurred. 
                $error_calendar         = sprintf($lang['l_error_calendar'], print_r($file,true));

Hiding local calendars

Please note that for local calendars the calender still can be downloaded e.g. with the Download link "calendars/test.ics". Therefore you should lock the folder calendars with a file "calendars/.htaccess" with following contents:

        Order Deny,Allow
        Deny From All

Alternatively you can use Basic Auth or you can hide the download link:

        AuthName "My calendar ICS files"
        AuthUserFile /path/to/your/docroot/.htpasswd
        AuthType Basic
        require valid-user
Daniel Marschall
ViaThinkSoft Mitbegründer